Walking Into Acceptance

Walking Into Acceptance
June 20, 27 and July 11 from 9-12:30pm
The massive and unrelenting change we’re all experiencing is unprecedented. Our roles, routines, and identities have been stripped away or radically altered. Our instinctual reaction is to survive wants to fill this void with new roles and routines, but this moment offers a chance to do more than survive.
Walking Into Acceptance offers tools and experiences to step out of problem solving and survival mode and walk into a wider world of options. The catch is we can’t think our way out of instinctual and habitual reactions. What we need is the experience of other options.
Walking Into Acceptance offers a break from the roles of parent, partner, worker, gardener, runner, biker, and so on to walk into what’s here now for each of us. A chance to discover what’s available when we sink into the sensations, feelings, and emotions of our lives. A way to experience the grief and sadness of what’s been lost, and the joy and hope of what's been gained as what was normal, drops away.
Walking Into Acceptance is a series of three Saturday mornings that combine practical finding and insights from neuroscience and neurobiology with direct experience to increase our health, presence, and performance in all aspects of life.
The first Saturday will focus on walking into all we are right now. To come present so we can locate ourselves on the map so to say, which is the first step to figuring out where we want to go and how to get there.
The second Saturday will be walking deeper into who we are right now, who we want to be, and how those identities align or don’t align with what’s most important to us.
For the third Saturday, we'll walk into the future we long for and commit to doing now, what our future self will look back on later, and thank us for.
These Workshops will run for three Saturday mornings, June 20, 27, and July 11 from 9am – 12:30pm PDT. Each session will alternate between group meetings via Zoom and individual experiences, so this will be more than another three hours staring at talking heads on a screen!
$119 for the series, $97 if registered before June 10. To register, contact me at steve@stevehindmancoach.com