Expand Your Experience
Opening myself to more awe in my everyday life has also opened me to the awe-less parts of my life. This hit me hard last week as I'm unable to ignore and distract myself from facing what leaves me awe-less with exercise and outdoor adventure as my knee continues to heal.
Fortunately, I’ve was here before at the start of the pandemic when a mindfulness practice called the Wheel of Awareness expanded my innate sense of the joy, wonder, and awe of being alive in this world also expanded my awareness of the grief, loss, and pain of living.
What I learned then and am learning now is that expanding my experience of what attracts and calls to me also expands my experience of what I’d rather avoid.
Embracing that can be hard and uncomfortable at times, but avoiding it only diminishes my experience of the wonderful and awesome experience of living. To expand your own experience of being alive, join me for a Saturday morning hybrid walk into awe on May 20, 9-11:30 am Central Daylight Time. We’ll meet online for 30 minutes, walk into awe on our own for 30 minutes, then reconvene from 11-11:30 to share our experiences. Register here! Complete information for my upcoming three-day experiential adventure, Reclaiming Awe in Everyday Life, June 22-25 near Missoula, Montana, is available here. To sign up and save $500 with a $500 deposit before May 1 for Reclaiming Awe in Everyday Life, follow this link to register. Au revoir for now! Steve Hindman steve@stevehindmancoach.com +41 (0)79 796 08 97 WhatsApp +1 (360) 303-0473 Expand Your Experience!