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Knowing What to Do

Do you ever have so many things you could or should do that you can't decide what you want to do? Have you ever made it worse by second guessing whatever decision you do make? I have, and I don’t like feeling stuck in that vortex. Faced with this predicament on a recent trip to Seattle, I found a new way to decide what to do and to enjoy doing it by honoring a commitment I'd already made.

corn maze with my niece

The trip was fun, fulfilling and jam-packed. In just two weeks, I visited and stayed with my daughter’s family in Seattle, my brother’s in Bellingham, and with some dear friends in the North Cascades. I took care of some business and visited more friends in Seattle. Then Hannah and I finished up our trip with a road ride with my brother and a party for his grandmother-in-law's 98th birthday.

Mt bike trail below Mt Baker in the North Cascades

What kept it fun and fulfilling was honoring my commitment to live relationally for the coming year. This commitment came out of a struggle to decide if I wanted to stay in Switzerland through 2023. What I was wrestling with was finding it easy to say yes to another year of doing all the things I love in Switzerland but harder to say yes to another year away from those I love and care for. My coach helped me see what my indecision was pointing to—a yearning for richer connections with family and friends. Once I discovered what was keeping me from saying yes, I decided to stay and to commit to organizing my time and energy around deepening and enriching the relationships I have and to creating more.

My trip to Seattle came from that commitment, yet as soon as I landed I started to spin out plans to bike, hike, and kayak. I did fit in many of these things I love to do, but keeping my commitment in mind kept my focus on what I was there for – visiting and connecting with those I love and care for.

When I found myself torn between one more bike ride or hike or spending more time with family and friends, my decision was simple and made without regrets.

Pocket Beach with my grandkids near Vashon Ferry Dock

I committed to living relationally because that’s what my heart and perhaps even my soul is calling for right now. Honoring that commitment yielded the unexpected bonus of simplifying each day and enriching whatever I choose to do. If you’d like to discover how commitment can simplify your life and enrich whatever you choose to do, let’s talk and see what we can create together. On another note, I'm looking for partners to work with to gain practical experience with a way I've been studying to tap into what our bodies know about the daily decisions and larger issues we face everyday. If you’re willing to help and interested in tapping into what your heart and gut have to say about whatever comes your way, please contact me.


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